Rajesh Venkatesan

Co-Founder & CTO

With over 20 years of experience, Rajesh is a passionate advocate for technology and its applications. He began his journey in the technology industry by building products and platforms and played a key role in driving technology adoption across teams.

Rajesh’s expertise lies in developing intellectual properties that generate non-linear revenue in the IT services industry. He has successfully architected platforms that integrate various components, including cloud flexibility, global compliance requirements (such as PCI, HIPAA, and DPA), open-source technologies, and existing enterprise technology investments. His contributions have led to transformative initiatives for multiple Fortune 500 customers across different domains. Despite his leadership role, Rajesh remains actively involved in design and coding, ensuring that the products his team builds make a meaningful difference in people’s lives.

As a first-generation entrepreneur, Rajesh holds four patents in product, platform, and cloud technologies, demonstrating his innovative thinking and problem-solving abilities. He is TOGAF certified and has a keen interest in enterprise architecture and transformational programs. Additionally, Rajesh is a certified AWS Architect with extensive experience in cloud architecture, having spent nearly a decade exploring and implementing cloud solutions. He has also shared his expertise on cloud architecture in public forums.

Rajesh firmly believes that the financial services industry is on the cusp of experiencing the best of digital and analytics capabilities. He recognizes the need for customer-focused solutions in the lending industry, which is still largely reliant on paper-based processes and inward-focused systems. With this vision in mind, Rajesh aims to build Hotfoot Technology Solutions as a customer-oriented company.

Outside of work, Rajesh enjoys spending time with his daughter and has a passion for travel. He finds great value in understanding different cultures and lifestyles. Rajesh holds a Master’s degree in Computer Applications, further solidifying his technical expertise and knowledge.